Calling all dog lovers looking for dog-driven entertainment! Welcome to the Dogma Show where dogs finally find their voice and express their Pet Peeves with training and living with their humans. Suzy-Q, a streetwise rescue pup who is fluid in translating Dog Speak, anchors each episode with the help of her two-legged human dog-mama whose bark is worse than her bite.
6 episodes
Show Dogs And Their Jimmy Chews
Paula, the show dog, becomes a trophy wifeMixed messagesA bad week for well-meaning Carla

Dog Gone It!
Bud The Stud Gets Neutered, Now He's Chasing Balls....Old Yeller Journalism....Postpartum Dogpression...Kid's Testimonies....

Tail Wagging The Dogma
Canine Counceling Continues.....Noah's BarkThe Carmine ChroniclesThe Yorkshire TerroristKid's Testimonies

Dog Daze Afternoons Butt Not On Chewsdays With Morrie
Suzy-Q, the self-proclaimed CanineTherapist continues doing Dog's workBark Mitzvahs?Come on baby... Light My FireKid's Testimonies about why they love dogsWhen in doubt wag your tail